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Chartered Certified Accountants

Fee Protection Insurance

H M Revenue and Customs is turning its attention to tax compliance to generate billions of pounds for the Exchequer. With deficit reduction still at the top of the Government’s list of priorities, it is no surprise that we are seeing an increase in the number of HMRC investigations.

This is bad news for any business, but especially for smaller businesses that are unlikely to have finance departments that can deal with a full-scale investigation.

For small businesses, a visit from the taxman can be very costly, tying up senior managers’ time and diverting resources away from the important task of growing your business.

The most important step a business can take is to ensure that it is in a low-risk category. Ever mindful of their scarce resources, HMRC conducts risk assessments to determine which businesses to investigate. If you are considered low risk, your chances of investigation are considerably lower for up to three years after the assessment is made.

If you have not already done so, we advise you to arrange a review with us so we can assess how your tax affairs are likely to be viewed by HMRC. We will also advise you on steps you can take to move to and remain in a low-risk category.

As standard, our clients are auto-enrolled to our Tax Investigations- Fee Protection Package which provides for the cost of full professional representation if you are investigated.

If you are targeted for an investigation, we provide full support throughout the process, as well as representing you to HM Revenue and Customs.
